Special Feature: Poetry and Prose on 62 Years of Nakba

The following are some of the pieces contributed by various poets and writers from around the world on the theme of sixty-two years of Nakba. Other contributions will be published in the Autumn 2010 issue of al-Majdal.

-- -Untitled- by Nizar Wattad

-- 2010 and Waiting by Rafeef Ziadah

-- for the Intifada by Harsha Walia

-- Haunted Cornfields and Olive Groves by Zainab Amadahy

-- Aisha by Soha al-Jurf

-- (d)earth by Junie Désil

-- History Books by Luke Haralampou

-- Sedo’s sister by Dalia Marina

-- We by Ghayath Almadhoun

-- Baghdad by Ahmed Habib