Press Releases

BADIL welcomes 11 new members in the Annual General Assembly Meeting
BADIL welcomes 11 new members in the Annual General Assembly Meeting


BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights held its regular General Assembly (GA) meeting on 18 June 2020, to review and ratify the externally audited financial statement. Other agenda items for the GA’s consideration were developments concerning the Palestinian National Campaign Rejecting Conditional Funding, BADIL’s financial situation for the rest of 2020, selection of a new external auditor and endorsement of 11 new members to BADIL’s GA.

Most importantly, the GA accepted the membership applications of 11 new young members of which 8 are young women, from all over Historic Palestine. In the previous General Assembly meeting, the importance of increasing the presence and engagement of the younger Palestinians into the Assembly was raised and the decision to recruit new members was approved. Since then, BADIL has spent time to find qualified and interested youth to be a part of its General Assembly and is proud to welcome the new members.

The members discussed what has been accomplished and the difficulties encountered along the way so far this year. BADIL’s emergency intervention plan was discussed, in addition to the recent updates on COVID-19 in Palestine, Israeli annexation plans and the so called “Deal of the Century.” Further, The Palestinian National Campaign Rejecting Conditional Funding, its illegality and political implications, its impact and its progress, in addition to the effect of the exclusion from EU grants and how to proceed, was discussed with all the members present. Before, the Campaign was limited to the Board of Directors, however, now all of BADIL’s General Assembly (38 members) has endorsed the Campaign.

Further, the external financial audit for 2019 was ratified, in addition to selecting an auditor for 2020.

As always, BADIL’s General Assembly and Board of Directors is a diverse compilation of Palestinian civil society actors, human rights defenders, academics and experts from both sides of the Green Line and in exile.