Press Releases

(5 November 2000) Available Now! BADIL Bulletin No. 1 - "International Protection - Overview and Special Protection for Refugees"

BADIL Resource Center 
5 November 2000
For Immediate Release  

BADIL Resource Center has released the first issue of a series of Occasional Bulletins aimed at contributing to current lobby efforts for international protection of the Palestinian people.  

Our Bulletin: 
1. Outlines the mechanisms for the implementation of international law and protection: 

  • Gathering and Receiving Information/Complaints (inquiry commissions a.o.);
  • Calling upon States to Comply (e.g. UN resolutions);
  • Adjudication of Disputes (via the International Court of Justice; war crimes tribunals, a.o.);
  • International Intervention (e.g. international protection forces);

2. Explores the Relevance of International Protection for the Palestinian People in general and its Refugees in particular; 

3. Recommends Action by Palestinian, Arab, and international NGOs and the solidarity movement which can help build a concerted and sustained lobby effort for international protection of the Palestinian people: 

  • Broad Public Awareness Campaigns about Palestinian Rights anchored in international law and UN resolutions (181, 194, 242, a.o.);
  • A Sustained Effort at Reporting Israeli Human Rights Violations to the UN System;
  • Empowering the Palestinian Community in Palestine and in exile to mobilize, advocate and lobby on behalf of their rights;
  • Lobbying Governments, Policy Makers and their Policy Advisors to take a clear stand in favor of Palestinian rights as defined by international law and UN resolutions;
  • Launching a Special Lobby Effort aimed at Making UN Organs and Mechanisms accessible to especially vulnerable sectors of the Palestinian people (refugees and internally displaced persons; the Palestinian community in occupied eastern Jerusalem and inside Israel);
  • Encouraging Experts to Provide Research and Legal Expertise in order to support professional lobbying of UN organs.

4. Provides Selected Recommended References on General Protection and Refugee Protection directly relevant for the Palestinian case. 


The Bulletin will be available on BADIL's website; email copies are available upon request.