Press Releases

Public Invitation: Palestinian Community Action in the Quest for the Right of Return

BADIL Resource Center 
12 February 2001 
For Immediate Release  



Organized by community organizations of al-Fawwar refugee camp and Palestinian National and Islamic Organizations, in cooperation with BADIL Resource Center,

On: Thursday, 15 February 2001 at 14:00

At: The playground of the boys’ school of al-Fawwar refugee camp (Hebron)


Organized by Elehassan Society/Bethlehem and BADIL in cooperation with the Union of Youth Activity Centers-Southern West Bank, the Jordan Chemical Factory and the Jerusalem Pharmaceutical Company,

On: Friday, 16 February 2001 at 9:30 to 14:00

At: The Youth Activity Center of al-Arroub Camp

Six physicians and two nurses of Elehassan Society will provide free medical treatment and medication for residents of the refugee camps. Five additional voluntary health clinics are scheduled to be held in Palestinian refugee camps of the southern West Bank in February and March 2001.