Press Releases

(18 January 2000) AVAILABLE NOW! al-MAJDAL (Issue No. 4/December 1999)

BADIL Resource Center
18 January 2000
For Immediate Release

English language Quarterly for the Promotion of 
Palestinian Residency & Refugee Rights 
Publisher: BADIL Resource Center 
Annual subscription fee (4 issues) - US $20 

In this issue of AL-MAJDAL, we take a special look at Palestinian refugees in Syria. We also examine the issue of Palestinian refugees who were expelled from the demilitarized zones, particularly in the north (armistice line Israel-Syria), after the Nakba and throughout the early 1950s. AL-MAJDAL also provides an indepth update of activities for the Campaign for the Defense of Palestinian Refugee Rights over the past 3 months in Europe, Palestine, and Lebanon. We also provide a preliminary schedule of Campaign activities for the year 2000. 

The December issue of AL-MAJDAL contains: 

  • Statement by Internally Displaced and Refugees in West Bank and Lebanon(International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People; 51st Anniversary of UN Resolution 194);
  • Refugee Campaign Update (Europe, Palestine, Lebanon);
  • EU Discussion Paper: Palestinian Refugee Rights;
  • Update: Israeli-Palestinian Final Status Negotiations;
  • Profile: Palestinian Refugees in Syria;
  • Exiled after the Nakba: Palestinian Refugees from the Demilitarized Zones;
  • Palestinians in Lebanon: Under the Hammer of the Syrian-Lebanese 
  • Preparations for Negotiations with Israel;
  • UNRWA Update: 1998-1999;
  • New Opinion Polls on Refugees;
  • The "Safe Passage";
  • Bethlehem Checkpoint Update;
  • Apartheid Scenario: If South Africa Had Taken the Road to Oslo ...
  • Update: Jerusalem ID Card Confiscation;
  • Oral History (Beit Jibrin) and Voices from Lebanon.

For subscription orders, please send a check (US$ or equivalent in your local currency) to BADIL Resource Center, PO Box 728, Bethlehem, Palestine; tel/fax. 02-2747346; email: [email protected].