Press Releases
22 June 1999
BADIL Resource Center
In a meeting between the members of the Steering Committee of the Palestinian NGO Network in the 1967 occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip (PNGO) and BADIL held at Bisan Center/Ramallah on 14 June 1999, the Steering Committee welcomed BADIL’s campaign initiative.
The Steering Committee members shared BADIL’s opinion that the participation of Palestinian NGOs, and PNGO as an NGO network, in the current community based campaign effort was extremely important.
BADIL received the PNGO contact list, in order to facilitate the invitation of Palestinian NGOs in future campaign-related activities. BADIL provided PNGO with 50 copies of its information packet on the Campaign for the Defense of Palestinian Refugee Rights for distribution among member organizations. Moreover, both sides agreed that BADIL will be invited to present its campaign initiative at one of the upcoming PNGO general meetings.
We hope that these steps will encourage more Palestinian NGOs to join Palestinian grass-roots organizations in and around the Palestinian refugee camps, and BADIL, in defending refugee rights locally and internationally and in catering to the needs of Palestinian refugees living in the 1967 occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip. We also hope that the endorsement of this campaign initiative by PNGO will facilitate the building of a broad and strong regional and international network of support for this urgent campaign.