Press Releases

(7 July 1999) BADIL: New Email Address – Virus Cleaned: Release of second issue of AL MAJDAL, quarterly on Palestinian Residency & Refugee Rights

7 July 1999

BADIL Resource Center

To all our email subscribers, 

We are pleased to announce that we have cleaned our computer from the happy99 virus and apologize for any trouble we might have created. We would also like to remind you of BADIL’s new email address: [email protected] 

Ready for oder: AL MAJDAL, Issue no. 2 (June 1999) 

This issue, entitled “Reversing Ethnic Cleansing in Palestine” continues to examine Israel’s policy of ethnic cleansing, recognizing that these policies are rooted historically in the Zionist idea of “transfer” as a means to clear Palestine of its Palestinian Arab inhabitants in order to establish a pure Jewish state. In light of these policies and current international demands that refugees from Kosova be permitted to return to their homes, BADIL underlines, 1) the need to create a new consensus which challenges Israel’s current state system based on the idea of a pure Jewish state, and, 2) the need to advocate for a new Middle East, based on the principles of international law and UN Resolutions rather than on narrow, exclusive religious or ethnic parameters. 

AL MAJDAL/2 (June 1999) includes 28 pages of reports and analysis on  

Palestinian Refugees: 

  • Update on the Palestinian and International Campaign for the Defense of Palestinian Refugee Rights (Campaign principles and agenda developed in workshops with refugee activists in Palestine; statements by Saji Salameh/General Director, PLO Department for Refugee Affairs, and Dr. Mussa Abu Hmeid/Head of the PNC Refugee Department; report and timetable of the European Campaign; and an interview about priorities of the Palestine solidarity movement in Europe with Wim de Neuter, a journalist working with Oxfam Solidarity-Belgium).
  • Update: BADIL petition for the Palestinian Right to Restitution
  • Profiles of Palestinian NGOs and grass-roots organizations working in refugee camps;
  • UNRWA Donor Update;
  • Canada Camp: Speeding up the Slow Return to Gaza;
  • Israel Hosts Albanian Refugees on Palestinian Refugee Land;
  • Profile: Palestinians in Egypt (Abdel Qadir Yassin, writer, Egypt);
  • “How Do You Imagine Palestine?” – Poem from Shatila Camp;
  • Letters from Exile: children correspondence between Shatila Camp/Beirut and Deheishe Camp/West Bank;


  • BADIL Jerusalem Campaign Update
  • ID Card Confiscation: January – May 1999 (official Israeli statistics);
  • “Campaign to End ID Card Confiscation” and the Israeli Supreme Court: A New Forum of Resistance or a Distraction?
  • US Ambassador’s Residence in Jerusalem Reveals Prejudice on Final Status in the City.

Please send your subscription order to BADIL Resource Center, PO Box 278, Bethlehem, West Bank. Do not forget to attach your address and a check of US $20 (subscription fee for 4 issues) or the equivalent amount in your local currency. For further information, please contact BADIL at: [email protected].