Empowering Right Holders
BADIL Center implements a set of activities and programs in partnership with civil society institutions and CBOs in Mandatory Palestine and the diaspora. These programs and activities aim to unify the efforts of rights holders and to enhance their shared identity and unity in defending their rights. Through these activities, BADIL aspires to enhance the capacities of rights holders and empower them with the knowledge and skills necessary to raise their voice about the rights of the Palestinian people and the human rights violations that displaced Palestinians are subjected to as a result of the ongoing forced displacement carried out on both sides of the Green Line. BADIL Center’s activities include trainings, workshops, seminars, conferences and several other events and activities. In addition, BADIL organizes tours to refugee camps to shed light on Palestinian refugees’ ongoing suffering due to the continued deprivation of their right to return. To deepen participants’ understanding of Israeli displacement policies and practices, BADIL also arranges educational visits to Palestinian villages and communities under threat of forced displacement..