BADIL Information Packet (3rd Edition) - Includes Right of Return, Campaign for the Defense of Palestinian Refugee Rights
Brochure, Palestinian Refugees in Exile Country Profiles, and BADIL Information & Discussion Briefs. (English & Arabic)
The Packet is also available on the BADIL website.
BADIL SPECIAL REPORT: Israel's March-April Military Campaign in the 1967 Occupied Palestinian Territories and the
Destruction of the Oslo Framework. International Law, Protection of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms, and a Comprehensive and Durable Solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - An Agenda for Action. BADIL Resource Center, 15 April 2002 (22 pages)
Report to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural
Rights, 25th Session, 23 April 2001, General Item: Follow-Up
Procedure (Israel). (English and Arabic), 28 pages

Follow-Up The 1948 Palestinian Refugees and the Individual Right of Return: An International Law Analysis, January 2001.
Prepared by Gail J. Boling, Coordinator of the BADIL Legal Unit.
(English and Arabic), 50 pages
Occasional Bulletin No. 8 - A Climate of Vulnerability Protection,
Palestinian Refugees, and the al- Aqsa -International Intifada One
Year Later. (English and Arabic), 4 pages
Occasional Bulletin No. 9 - A Two- State Solution and Palestinian
Refugee Rights - Clarifying Principles (October 2001) (English and
Arabic), 4 pages
Occasional Bulletin No. 10 - Principles and Mechanisms for a
Durable Solution for Palestinian Refugees: "The Taba Proposals"
(English and Arabic), 4 pages
Occasional Bulletin No. 10 - Annex Annex to Bulletin No. 10 text
of the Taba Proposals. (English and Arabic), 4 pages
Occasional Bulletin No. 11 - The Meaning of UN Resolution 194
(The Right of Return) (April 2002), (English andArabic), 4 pages
For a complete list of BADIL Occasional
Bulletins, see the BADIL website: www.
Palestinian Refugees and the al- Aqsa Intifada: The Legal
Obligation to Provide International Protection and to Work for a
Durable Solution. Submitted to the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories, July 2001
The 1948 Palestinian Refugees and the Individual Right of
An International Law Analysis, January 2001. Prepared
by Gail J. Boling, Coordinator of the BADIL Legal Unit (English
& Arabic), 50 pages
Jerusalem 1948: The Arab Neighborhoods of the City and their
Fate in the War (BADIL/ IJS, 1999). The book is available in English with Arabic translation of the introduction, 304 pages. ISBN 0- 88728- 274- 1. 2 nd Revised edition forthcoming. Arabic edition forthcoming.
To order BADIL publications, please contact BADIL:
Tel/ Fax. 274- 7346 or email: admin@