The Suppression of International Solidarity: Another Facet of Israel’s Colonial Project in Palestine

The Suppression of International Solidarity:  Another Facet of Israel’s Colonial Project in Palestine

International solidarity with the Palestinian people has played a crucial role in advocating and supporting our people’s struggle for liberation, self-determination and return. For the Palestinian people, who are facing the Israeli system of domination with the three pillars of forced displacement and transfer, colonization and apartheid, international solidarity is essential. Unfortunately, effective international solidarity organizations, groups, movements and actors are not immune to suppression. Israel, along with its colonial allies, complicit states, and Zionist bodies and organizations, fortified by benefiting enterprises, has orchestrated an intricate transnational system that cracks down on, and silences any dissent or attempts that threaten Israel’s colonial-apartheid regime and its control over Palestine and its people. This Al-Majdal Issue No. 61, is titled "Suppression of International Solidarity: Another Facet of Israel's Colonial Project in Palestine" and proceeds to expose the mechanisms and strategies utilized, and the actors involved, in suppressing international solidarity with Palestine. Understanding the interconnected pillars of both faces of the attack on international and Palestinian civil space further exposes how the Israeli colonial-apartheid regime maintains the Ongoing Nakba of the Palestinian people with not only complete impunity but also with the complicity of states and companies. For more information on Israeli tactics to shrink Palestinian civil society space, see Al-Majdal Issue No. 60.






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